
Online Help for Chasys Draw IES: SDK (Software Development Kit)

SDK (Software Development Kit)

What is this SDK?

An SDK is a collection of information that tells you how to go about building software that works together with another piece of software. Any piece of software has its own structures and symbols, designed or chosen by the programmer at his own discretion, with which you must be familiar to successfully link with it. For example, to build a program that runs under the Windows operating system, you need the Win32 SDK.

This particular SDK is targeted at developers who intend to build plug-ins for Chasys Draw IES. Some sample source-code may be included with your copy. This SDK also includes some embedded sample code, and the common plug-in header file. It is strongly adviced that you always compile your code against the latest version of the header.

The development and distribution of plug-ins based on this SDK is subject to the terms and conditions laid out in the license agreement. Be advised that some copy-left open-source licenses may be incompatible with the said license agreement.

Chasys Draw IES comes bundled with a plug-in that allows you to use plug-ins intended for Adobe’s Photoshop (8BF format). It has the display name “Photoshop Plug-ins Bridge”.

Any plug-in designed for Chasys Draw IES must adhere strictly to the specifications set forth below, otherwise Chasys Draw IES’s internal security sub-system will reject the rogue plug-in and may delete it as a preemptive security measure. Should this ever happen to your plug-in, I suggest that you return to the drawing table forthwith, as a truly monumental error has been made.


General Rules for Plug-ins

A plug-in must never take any action that will affect the stability of the host. It is considered to be especially bad behaviour for a plug-in to call functions such as abort() and TerminateProcess(); the reason being that there is no error that can be encountered within a library that justifies aborting the calling process (Chasys Draw IES) and destroying the user’s work in the process. It is the developer’s responsibility to ensure that any third-party libraries the plug-in uses don’t call abort() and friends.

Programming Language

The preferred language for building Chasys Draw IES plug-ins is C/C++, although any language that can produce DLLs linkable from standard C will do. The use of C# is discouraged because of its dependency on the so-called Microsoft Common Languages Runtime (mscoree.dll), which is not a particularly common DLL. Visual BASIC is simply too basic to cut it (and also has dependencies).

Filename & Location

The plug-in file name must have a “.dll ” extension, and its name (including the extension) must not exceed 30 characters. The plug-in must be placed in the “\Plugins” directory (folder) or a sub-directory thereof. If the plug-in is in a subdirectory, it must no be more than four levels deep because Chasys Draw IES will not search deeper than that. The name of the plug-in’s .dll file must be unique, even if the plugin is in its own separate folder. It is highly recommended that you follow the naming convention used by the default plug-ins.

Configuration Information

Never store configuration information in the system registry or in files because you won't get a chance to clean up that info, and you may lack the permissions to do so. If you need to store configuration infomation, do so using the permanent state-stores provided by pi_StateStore. Temporary state-stores may be used for transient information.

Data Validity

Never assume the validity of data across function calls. Most of the data Chasys Draw IES exchanges with plug-ins is created immediately before the call and destroyed immediately afterwards.


All linkage to Chasys Draw IES must use the C/C++ calling convection ( __cdecl ), and strings of type “wchar_t*” where applicable. The use of standard Win32 functions and structures is encouraged (as opposed to using extensions such as dot-NET).


Avoid dependency on non-universal system DLLs or third-party DLLs. First, doing so will negate the principle of universal compatibility that Chasys Draw IES has always stuck to. Secondly, Chasys Draw IES will not let you install them, and will certainly not give you a chance to even think of removing them. If you are wondering why this is so, it is because most people (myself included) hate it when software decides to start installing stuff left, right and center without asking for permission first. In other words, it’s not your computer - it’s the user’s, and he/she doesn’t want you filling it with bloat-ware.


Most of the structures defined in this SDK float in a 1024-byte pool, and thus have a range of reserved bytes. Do not access these, they are meant for future expansion of the API and internal communication within the host. Leaving them untouched ensures that older plug-ins can work in newer hosts and vice-versa, since an older host will initialize them to zero.

Structure Padding

All structures exposed by this interface use 1-byte padding. The included headers have #pragma pack(1) defined for this reason.

Metadata (Attachments)

Plug-ins can access (and in some cases create) layer attachments. These may be used for plug-in-specific purposes. See the Layer Attachments section for more information. Do not use restricted metadata types, and please check with the author before creating custom metadata types.


It is not safe to make and use copies of the structures passed by the host to the plug-in because of callbacks and volatile state data. If you must store a copy (e.g. for running a proxy/preview dialog), use a reference/pointer instead.


General Plug-in Interface

Chasys Draw IES expects all plug-ins to have the following functions, irrespective of type. The sample code for the OpenRaster plug-in shows how to use these functions. Please refer to it later on.

// called to query plugin's name and type
unsigned long plg_GetInfo(plg_INFO* info);

// called to display plugin dialogs
unsigned long plg_ShowDialog(plg_DIALOG* data);



plg_GetInfo() is called by the host to collect information about the plug-in. It takes a pointer to a struct of type plg_INFO:

struct plg_INFO


    unsigned long   api_type;       // PLUGIN_APITYPE_* flags

    unsigned long   api_version;    // PLUGIN_INTERFACE_VERSION

    unsigned long   api_flags;      // do not touch

    unsigned long   api_extra;      // do not touch


    unsigned long   plg_version;    // plug-in's version number

    unsigned long   plg_options;    // plug-in's options

    unsigned long   plg_flags;      // do not touch

    unsigned long   plg_extra;      // do not touch


    wchar_t         plg_name[64];   // plug-in's name

    wchar_t         plg_author[64]; // plug-in's author


    unsigned char   reserved_x[1024-288]; //do not touch


Upon entry, the api_version member contains the version number of the FastExternalsTM interface implemented by the host (PLUGIN_INTERFACE_VERSION, see plugin.h for definition). The plug-in is required to return the version it was compiled for.

The plug-in should fill the api_type member with a combination of one or more of the following constants to indicate which interfaces in implements:

PLUGIN_APITYPE_FILE 0x00000001: File format Plug-in
PLUGIN_APITYPE_DEVICE 0x00000002: Device Plug-in

0x00000004: Effect Plug-in


0x00000100: Engine Plug-in

The api_flags and api_extra members are reserved and should be left untouched.

The plug-in should fill the plg_name and plg_author members with strings containing the name of the plug-in and the name of the vendor. These strings should not exceed 64 wide characters, including the null characters that terminate them. The plug-in should also fill the plg_version member with its own version number (major in high word and minor in low word). The plg_flags and plg_extra members are reserved and should be left untouched.



plg_ShowDialog() is called by the host to display a plugin dialog box, such as the "about" or the "config" window. It takes a pointer to a struct of type plg_DIALOG:

struct plg_DIALOG


    HWND            hwnd;

    unsigned long   dialog;

    unsigned long   param_1;

    unsigned long   param_2;


    unsigned char   reserved_1[256-16]; //do not touch


    pi_STATESTORE*  pi_StateStore;

    pi_METAMARKUP*  pi_MetaMarkup;

    pi_BASICQUERY*  pi_BasicQuery;

    pi_BASICIMAGE*  pi_BasicImage;

    pi_BASICCOLOR*  pi_BasicColor;

    pi_BASICUTILS*  pi_BasicUtils;


    unsigned char   reserved_x[1024-280];//do not touch


The dialog member indicates which dialog box to display. It can be any of the following:

PLG_DIALOG_ABOUT 0x0000: Show the About box for the plug-in
PLG_DIALOG_CONFIG 0x0001: Show the Config box for the plug-in

0x0002: Show the Help box for the plug-in

The hwnd member contains the window handle that should be used as the parent for the dialog box. The param_1 and param_2 members are dialog-specific, but are currently not used. Config dialog boxes must use the pi_StateStore member to persist the plug-ins settings; plug-ins are not allowed to directly write their settings to configuration files.

If the plug-in manages to display the dialog box, it should return PLUGIN_OKAY to indicate success. If the specified dialog is unnecessary (e.g. config box for a plug-in with no user-selectable options), it should return PLUGIN_ERR_NO_SUPPORT instead. The plug-in should return one of the other PLUGIN_ERR_* codes if an error occurs.

Chasys Draw IES requires that all plug-ins that need configuration store the configuration data as outlined above. The stored settings should be used whenever required. When these are not available, and a window handle is provided, a configuration dialog box should be shown.

Never write your configuration information directly to file or to the registry. All configuration data must be managed via the provided StateStore object. Chasys Draw IES will generally avoid executing your plug-in with elevated priviledges and may flag it as rogue if it writes data to the “plugins” folder.


Type-specific Plug-in Interfaces

Chasys Draw IES supports various interfaces for the various types of plug-ins. Every plug-in must implement at least one of these interfaces; you may implement more than one if you wish.

File Format Plug-in Interface Used to open files that are not supported natively by Chasys Draw IES
Effects Plug-in Interface Used to add external visual effects and transforms to Chasys Draw IES
Device Plug-in Interface Used to allow Chasys Draw IES to exchange images with external devices

Each interface has rules governing its plug-ins' construction.


Your plug-in is up and running, so what’s next?

Chasys Draw IES is a high-speed graphics environment, and if your plug-in can't keep up, things might get a little rough for it. Here are some tips that will help you keep the code flying like bullets:

  • Always use the latest FastExternals™ interface.
  • Where possible, use the utilities and callback suites exposed by the interface.
  • Stick to the rules: Chasys Draw IES spends less time authenticating well-behaved plug-ins.
  • Keep your plug-in filenames short and unambiguous. Chasys Draw IES implements a speculative loading mechanism that maintains a short cache of plug-in filenames. If the filename is too long (more than about 28 characters) or is ambiguous (causing the user to install two plug-ins that serve the same purpose) the loading mechanism will award it a low priority when deciding what to try first.
Chasys Draw IES keeps plug-ins in memory for only a few seconds at most (with the exception of FastExternals™ file format plug-ins, which may be speculatively kept in memory for up to half a minute). Keep this in mind when developing your plug-ins.



Copyright © John Paul Chacha, 2001-2025

The information herein is subject to change without any notice. The author makes no guarantees as to the completeness of this documentation.