
Online Help for Chasys Draw IES: Automation - Scripting Adjustments

Automation : Scripting Adjustments


All commands for transforms start with “adjust_”. Adjustments tend to be more difficult to script than other groups. Here’s the listing of the available commands and their syntax:

Command & Syntax Details
adjust_alpha point_list...

Adjust alpha. The point list consists of a number (the "count") followed by "count" coordinate pairs, e.g.
adjust_alpha 3 0 0 128 128 255 255 aque ;
The sampling [aque, flat] parameter sets the sampling method.

adjust_autolevel linkage sampling; Performs auto-leveling on the image. The parameter linkage [linked, independent] sets linkage while sampling [aque, flat] sets the sampling method.

brightness contrast sampling

brit.r brit.g brit.b
cont.r cont.g cont.b

Adjusts brightness and contrast. Takes either 2+1 or 6+1 parameters depending on whether you want to adjust each channel separately or in groups. The first 2 or 6 parameters are the values [0..100] and the parameter sampling [aque, flat] sets the sampling method.
Adjust with curves. Each point list consists of a number (the "count") followed by "count" coordinate pairs, e.g.
    3 0 0 128 128 255 255
    3 0 0 128 128 255 255
    3 0 0 128 128 255 255 aque ;
The sampling [aque, flat] parameter sets the sampling method.

contrib.r contrib.g contrib.b
hue.high hue.mid hue.low
tint.high tint.mid tint.low

Converts the image to greyscale with the option of adding a tint. The first three parameters specify contribution [0..100], the next three specify the colors (hues) for the tint [0..255], and the last three specify the tint intensity [0..100].

temp_bias tint_bias sampling;

Adjusts color temperature and tint. The first two parameters specify the bias applied to temperature and tint [0..100], and the sampling [aque, flat] parameter sets the sampling method.

adjust_dodgeburn power sampling;

Either dodges or burns the image depending on the power [-100..+100]. The sampling [aque, flat] parameter sets the sampling method.

adjust_histogram_eq; Performs histogram equalization on the image. No parameters.

adjust_huesat hue sat;

adjust_huesat hue sat param;

adjust_huesat hue sat param usage;

Adjusts Hue, Saturation and Value/Lightness. The parameters are hue [-360..360], sat [-100..100] and, optionally, param [-100..100] and usage [value, lightness].

If param is not specified, it defaults to zero. The parameter usage specifies how param is interpreted; if it is not specified, it defaults to “value”.

in.lo.r in.lo.g in.lo.b
in.hi.r in.hi.g in.hi.b
out.lo.r out.lo.g out.lo.b
out.mid.r out.mid.g out.mid.b
out.hi.r out.hi.g out.hi.b

Adjusts input and output levels. Takes five sets of three parameters each [0..255]. The sets are:
    - Input, low
    - Input, high
    - Output, low
    - Output, mid-point
    - Output, high

adjust_channelmix elements ... ; Mixes color channels . Takes a list of 20 elements representing a 5x4 matrix. The columns are input R, G, B, A and Offset, while the rows are output R, G, B and A. All values use 1.0 as 100%; e.g.
    1.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0
    0.0    1.0    0.0    0.0    0.0
    0.0    0.0    1.0    0.0    0.0
    0.0    0.0    0.0    1.0    0.0   ;


You can generate script code for most commands in Chasys Draw IES by using them while running the record function.



Copyright © John Paul Chacha, 2001-2025