
Online Help for Chasys Draw IES: Smoother Solvent Tool

Smoother/Solvent Tool


This tool "smoothens" the area around it. Just hold the left mouse button down and drag. Used with the spray, this tool is perfect for painting clouds and smoothing out the edges of objects. You can also use for emulating the blurriness of most natural objects with practice. You can set the size of this tool’s tip by setting the width entry on the toolbox. The level entry changes the level of blurring.

You can set the size of the tool’s tip by setting the width entry on the toolbox. This tool is pressure sensitive when using a graphics tablet; the pressure varies the width of the tool tip.

You can select a brush-tip mode for this tool.



This mode works as a regular blur brush.



This mode does a horizontal directional blur, i.e. it only smoothens in the horizontal direction leaving the vertical unaffected. Just hold the left mouse button down and drag.

This mode is mostly used to smooth the ground and other angular surfaces for smooth perspective effects. The ground of the "desert" image was created using this tool, the roughen tool and a gradient filled rectangle. With practice, you can easily fool the untrained (or even trained) eye with this tool. This is one tool you have to know how to use.



This mode does a vertical directional blur, i.e. it only smoothens in the vertical direction leaving the horizontal unaffected. Just hold the left mouse button down and drag.



This mode does an alpha blur, i.e. it only smoothens the alpha channel leaving the color channels unaffected. Just hold the left mouse button down and drag. This is sometimes referred to as “feathering” in other image editors




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