
Online Help for Chasys Draw IES: Objects - Palettes

Objects : Palettes

What is a Palette?

A palette, also known as a color map, is an ordered (and often named) set of colors that you may pick a color from. In Chasys Draw IES, palettes provide one of the many ways through which you may set the color applied by the tool you are working with. The currently selected palette is displayed on the Tool Options and Colors tab within Chasys Draw IES Artist, just below the most recently used colors:

The name of the loaded palette, as seen in this image, may be hidden if there isn’t enough room on the screen to show it.


Using and Managing Palette Objects

At start up, Chasys Draw IES loads a default palette. You may load a palette of your chossing by either selecting Load Swatches from the Color Palette sub-menu under the Objects menu, or by clicking the menu button provided in the user interface and selecting the same option. Chasys Draw IES supports many kinds of palette files, including GIMP palettes, JASC palettes, Adobe Photoshop palettes, palettized BMP and many more.

You may customize the loaded palette by importing colors from the current layer or by appending the colors you are currently working with to it. When importing from the current layer, you have the option of creating an optimized palette. You may then save the modified palette to a new palette file in one of the supported palette file formats.

When you open an image file that contains a palette, the entries in that palette may be populated into the current palette and hence the palette swatches. This is intended to make it easier to work with such images. The same thing may happen when you activate a layer that contains a palette attachment. You can prevent this from happening by locking the palette using the Lock Swatches option under pop-up menu shown by the menu button.

The palette can be subjected to color proofing; this is available via the menu button. Swatches can also be collapsed/hidden to create more room.

Chasys Draw IES includes several bundled palette files that you may load and use, but you can always add your own.



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